A great sportsman, he grew up playing baseball, even going to a sports-study program in Montreal. He was also a member of elite teams.
It was when he saw the work of physiotherapists affiliated with the various college sports programs that it clicked, that it was the path of the human body that he wanted to follow.
Holder of a first bachelor's degree in kinesiology at the University of Quebec at Trois-Rivières, with a fourth year in massage therapy at the Kiné-Concept massage therapy institute in Montreal, specializing in kinetic Swedish massage, sports massage, periarticular work and fasciatherapy. As well as a second bachelor's degree in sports kinesiology.
At TACLINIQUE, his vision is: to ensure that clients who come for treatment are guided in the right direction to solve their physical problems and empower them so that everyone is better able to prevent injuries and treat minor ailments in the right way.