TONDOJO Momentum is a grappling martial arts centre specializing in jiu-jitsu. Grappling refers to all techniques for controlling, throwing, immobilizing and subduing an opponent in standing or ground combat, using bare hands.
Training is supervised by experienced trainers. In addition to jiu-jitsu, TONDOJO teaches various grappling sports such as wrestling,
kickboxing and judo.
The grappling school aims to advance participants' BJJ level. The school regularly collaborates with Masterskya of New York, the Montérégie wrestling school, and a judoka from Olympic Judo Canada.
YourBJJ-Wrestling-MMA package: 100$/month
YourMuay Thai MMA package: 100$/month
YourAll access package: 130$/month
Depending on the schedule
Mixed changing room available
Price : 150$
10 week intro Starting date Jan 17th 6 pm
Head BJJ Coach, Purple belt under Alex EcklinPurple belt, perfect style for small, fast fighters
Assistant coach, Purple belt under Alex Ecklin
Assistant coach, Blue belt, kickboxing trainer
Head Muay Thai coach from Evolve MMA Singapore
Guest instructor Black Belt
Assistant coach Brown Belt
Assistant coach, Purple belt under FIrasZahabi
Assistant coach Blue belt
Head Wrestling coach, Canadian National trial Athletes