TAClinique Momentum offers preventive treatment services, physical and mental health assessments, and therapeutic treatments to help you heal recent or long-standing ailments. A warm, attentive and non-judgmental atmosphere helps develop a relationship of trust that leads to results beyond the physical.
Osteopathy is an alternative medicine specializing in manual therapy. Its name comes from the ancient Greek “osteo” meaning pain and/or bone. The primary aim of osteopaths is to relieve a person's physiological discomforts.
Osteopaths have 4 fields of expertise: cranial, visceral, muscular and facial.
TAclinique osteopaths specialize in high-level athletes, regular or occasional sportspeople, pregnant women (pregnancy and postpartum), and anyone with chronic pain or frequent aches (back, shoulder, neck, knee).
Massage therapy is an alternative approach to treating and releasing muscular tension. It includes Swedish massage, deep tissue massage, and kinesiotherapy.
Swedish massage is designed to relax the body and release muscular tension. This type of massage is very popular in spas and with pregnant women.
Sports massage is a more active approach to releasing muscular discomfort and preparing tissues for a competitive event.
Therapists often work with activation or deep myofascial release approaches using manual techniques, cupping or IASTM (Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization).
Kinesiotherapy is a movement massage based on Swedish massage. The primary aim of this approach is to release muscular tension by using manual techniques to activate or relax tissues.
Naturopathy is an alternative medicine whose aim is to find the cause of health imbalances in individuals. The primary objective is to optimize the health of the individual while working on the nutritional aspect, supplementation, medical prevention, and the application of healthy lifestyle habits.
Functional neurology is a complementary and alternative approach. It is based on neuroplasticity, i.e. the ability of the nervous system to reinforce existing neurological pathways and create new ones. The health of the brain and its ability to normally receive stimuli from the environment have a profound influence on the health of the autonomic nervous system; sympathetic and parasympathetic. Loss of the brain's ability to receive normal, balanced input is most often the result of chemical, physical, or emotional stress that damages nerve pathways in the brain.
Athletic therapists are experts in physical rehabilitation, with the aim of returning to physical activity as quickly as possible. Their title can lead to confusion, as they also treat injuries and chronic discomforts, such as back pain.
Two universities offer this pathway: Concordia University and Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières. Both schools require a general kinesiology background before specializing as an athletic therapist.
Kinesiology is defined as the science of movement. Its role is to work with specific exercises as a preventive measure for health disorders such as chronic diseases (diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer, etc.), physical performance, or rehabilitation.